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Rave Girl
Dance and celebrate life and the Spirit... Feel the Love of Raving...
  New Dawn is close...
Use the link, luke, use the link...

To New Dawn

Story Time
Grandfather opens the book as the little ones wait with anticipation. Their eyes grow wider as he begins to read...

This symbol comes from old Southwestern Indian folklore. I have adopted it to symbolize the "Holy Spirit" the great powers of the universe. It also can represent a galaxy, note the one dot in the middle it can symbolize the great gravity well (or gigantic mega black hole) in the center of all galaxies. The ring around it can signify the carona which is the brightest of all light. As the gravity well feeds the material falls into it at such a great speed that it burns. The dots surrounding it signifies the gigantic mega suns that orbit the carona. These hugh suns are so large that their own gravity defies the great pull of the black hole and they choose their own orbits they don't always traverse with the plane of the galaxy. The outer rings and flames are the rest of the galaxy, stars, planets, etc.
This symbol will be my main sign and I use it anywhere and everywhere I can. Look for it when you come out to New Dawn.
I wonder if those ancient people knew about galaxies and alike?