New Dawn Up Date
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New Development For New Dawn's Directions
'New Dawn's directions are take any freeway to get to the I-5 go north to the 14 fwy go north about 47 miles or so, then take the Avenue G off ramp.  Turn right (east) at the stop sign drive approximately 2 miles to the second stop sign at Division, there turn left (north) go another 2 miles to Avenue E turn right again (east) drive 4.1 to 4.2 miles then look to the left there will be a dirt road, turn left onto the dirt road.  Now go slowly there are some big pot holes. almost a half mile in you'll come to some cones with caution tape indecating a left turn follow it to the air base's barbwire fence then follow it around to the property.  There someone will show you where to park, etc......  Remember that the air forse base is beyond the fence so stay out of there, thank you.

Drum and Bass Morning

DJ Resolve spinning a fine brew of D & B

Freeman, On Into The Day
Shawn Freeman is an up and coming Trance, Break Beats and Drum And Bass DJ and all round great person. He has been with U Productions in the background for a while now. Now he's become a front-line performer and I always look forword to his sets....