The First Artwork Page
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Here's a small sample of my drawings, etc...
These are various drawings I've done. My subject matter varies from the light to the darkness. Without one you could not have the other.
Now if the pics don't open use your right (I think it's the right one) button on your mouse (the one that brings up the menu) then click "show picture" and wait... for... it .. to open.

Pixie Pond

Leaping Lord

Sweet Angel

Viper Woman

Beyond The Door, Buroth (The Hero) Beyond The Door is one of my short stories...

Beyond The Door, The Deceiver ( the Evil One) And these are the two main characters...

Dragon Skies


Eyes Of Darkness

A Far Off Moon

Little Dancer

Demon Attack


One way to deal with the problem




Dark Powers

A Colonial Transport

Colonial Supply Containers and Tug Ship

The Old One

Fighter Squad 7


Death's Victom

Patrol Cruiser

Sissy and Muffin



Lil' Marine

Me @ 21