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These first two drawings were a joint effert with Brother Jon and myself.
This one we call, Aftermath, Jon started it by tracing out folds in the paper
which were impressions left behind from a drawing that had been done before.

Jon was amazed at the fact that when I took over and finished it,
I had captured the same feeling and mood as he had when he began.
It turned out pretty cool if I do say so myself.

Space Port
Here again Jon drew out the basic shape of the big ship and then I completed it.
We have a lot of fun when we do this.
Star Liner
Now this one I did myself. One of my strong points,
I can design space ships all day long. (LOL)
A Photo Shop Experiment (010403)
This one was a lot of fun. I'd drawn
the spacecraft then I played around with
my Photo Shop program and 'walla!'
Nice Kitty
I had watched a show the night before
about this female leopard. Then the
next morning while having coffee at
Denny's I did this one from memory.
I love the concept here, Old world style
equipment on board a spaceship.
Jayskull Steal Your Face
My son, Jason, designed this 'Steal Your Face'
for me when he was barely a teenager.
Back in 1994, he's quite the artist.
I drew this one from that design.
Strange Alien No. 4
She's a trip isn't she?
Arc 0999
She's one of my superheros.
I drew this one for my sister when
she completed her computer repair classes.
Space Battle No. 51
Here is a example of how to hide a
mistake. Blow it up (LOL)
Hard Wirered, Strange Alien No. 5
High voltage for sure.
This one I completed on 020203AM
The newest of this growing collection.

"LSD is the bomb.." Quoted from Jack Web as Joe Friday
Wow! Who slipped me that tab...?Just kidding around, but it is alittle on
the warped side.

Wizard's Play
Just another day in the life...