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New Dawn Of The Order Of The Holy Spirit
This is a place of worship, however it is not any one faith or religion. This is a spiritual gathering of many to dance as one under the stars in the desert of Lancaster. My "church" gives praise with Rave, we make a joyous noise unto the 'Lord' or as it were, the Spirit.
There is many religions and even more divisions of these religions. Then there is the many various viewpoints of the many individuals attending these different religions. With all this there is only one Spirit. They all have scripture which mentions this one 'Great', 'One' or 'True' and of course our favorite, 'The Holy Spirit' However it is named, they all give it the same description. God spoke, The Spirit moved and things happened...
Many Faiths, Yet Only One Spirit, And Through Trance We Give Praise...
Trance music has a way of reaching into your soul and bringing your spirit to new levels of awareness, not to mention get you on your feet and dancing. Plus the people are so full of love. These are some of the reasons why I love to Rave. Together it makes for a pleasent and joyous way to give praise...
New Dawn, and the New Regulations
Due to the irresponsibility of a few, the many must suffer. New Dawn will now be an eighteen and over venue. Also if you can not stay until the morning, you realy shouldn't come at at all. Young people who come to get "High" and then leave are not welcome at my church. You don't think of how your actions have reactions which involve others. Maybe it's because you're young but I don't buy it. I know many underage people who are very responsible and respect others. Well thanks again for your contirbution...

The Spirit Moves Within Our Celebration of Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness...
Our founding fathers had envisioned a land of the 'Free' although now-a-days with laws and this 'War On Drugs' our government has and is putting a big damper on my "Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness" If you know what I mean?
Something New for New Dawn

This Is Only A Beginning

Rev. JoE's Light Show

Dancing with lights in the desert.....

To New Dawn...