"The Book"
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"The Book" Or At Lest A Few Out Takes....
On this page I will have somethings to say, however this will not be "Preaching" it's just some observations, conjectures, and speculations. Brother Jon and I use many spiritual sources and life itself to come up with this stuff.

Like I said this isn't preaching, more of a conversation, if you've been to 'New Dawn' and sat around the "Cooking" fire. You may of heard Brother Jon &/or me talk of these things.

First off, you must always remember- no matter the situation, the opposite is also true. And that contradiction is at the heart of all things....

When you look at religion you (or at lest I do) notice that when you join all of the various religions together you tend to form a much clearer or complete picture. And yet you find only the one Spirit. The Great Spirit, The One Spirit and so on and it does pretty much the same thing, it moves and things happen.

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